Saturday, January 4, 2020

Why Friendship Important - 1307 Words

Why Friendship Important As is rightly said, â€Å"A friend in need is a friend indeed†. Friends are an important part of every individual’s life. You talk with them about every damn thing; share your top secrets and what not. You enjoy with them and spending time with friends is fun always. Everybody would agree that had friends would not been there, life would be quite boring. In fact, whatever you are as a person is greatly influenced by who your friends are. So, friends are truly important. They sometimes teach you, make you learn new things, point out your mistakes and help you rectify them, cheer you up as and when needed, offer you a fresh perspective and always love, care and support you. They are usually one of the biggest strengths†¦show more content†¦Friends are undoubtedly the best support system of every person’s life. 5. To unconditionally love and care for you Friends unconditionally love you and care for you. They are the people who keep in mind your every small habit, choice and need and try to fulfill the same. Their love and care know no bounds. Even if you meet after years, your friends will take care of your choices and love you in the same manner as they earlier used to do. Their love for you is always the same and never divides in between you and somebody else, irrespective of their or your status and number of friends. Each of your friend shares a unique bond with you. 4. To learn life lessons and respect differences You spend a lot of your time in the company of your friends. Friends are there with you in many crucial times of your life. The interesting thing is that just as every person in this world is different, in the same manner, each of your friend is different from you in his/her tastes, choices, nature, preferences etc. So, they all behave differently in different situations. In the long run, each of their unique behavior and/or decisions can help you learn the important lessons of life. Each of them teaches you some or the other thing in life. Moreover, with all that variety of natures and behaviors, you gradually learn to respect your differences which is very essential in any point ofShow MoreRelatedRelationship Between Friendship And Friendship985 Words   |  4 Pages We hear the word â€Å"friendship† being tossed around daily, between family, friends, social media, etc. People just say the word without thinking what it really refers to, but does everyone really understand what the word â€Å"friendship† means? People believe that the word â€Å"friendship† is just used to describe a friend or a bigger group of friends, but in reality it actually means a lot more. I believe that it is important to know what the word â€Å"friendship† really means. 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